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The short and simple answer is, YES!

Valuable and efficient staff is not an easy find and treating those you currently have with validation and appreciation is absolutely necessary. It also sets the vibe for what kind of team player and professional you are. Everyone prefers to work with the company who not only knows what he/she is doing but also can relate and have a heart.

In real estate for instance. What agent do you want to sell your home? The one who you only hear from or see when they need to take pictures and to discuss the highest commission portion they can or person who tries to find the best ways on selling your house but to also treat it as a home with the thought in mind that memories were created in your space? Who do you think is going to write the best description for your listing? Obviously the one who can create a heartwarming feeling for the new owner not the one who is just going to state how many beds and baths the property consists of.

If I want to hire a graphic designer, I want to hire someone who can capture a feeling, a style they can sense from my own previous work or examples they’ve seen.

Back to employees, I will never work with anyone who treats their employees with no respect purely because I would worry about what service I will receive in future, especially when things don’t work out as planned. In my experience, if employees don’t get respect, I can assure you neither do clients when the going gets tough. The easy way will always be the best.

Employees talk, oh yes, they talk to their colleagues, they talk to their family and your name is known. That family has friends, those friends are potential clients.

Motivation is another aspect here, if your staff feel that they can never reach your expectations they will eventually lose motivation and resort to giving up.

Don’t get me wrong here, don’t be a buddy because that will have the same effect. Keep them on their toes, keep them motivated, stay professional but do not lose their respect.

Be an example and appreciate good work when you see it.

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