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What the great resignation means for your business


The Great Resignation hit the US especially, in #2021 after #COVID-19. Since then we have all seen an extraordinary amount of people going virtual. The norm was staying in an office from 9-5 most of your life. People started realizing there's a much bigger world out there full of possibilities, a world where dreams can be turned into reality - let's not forget to mention... experiencing a #pandemic together, many people realized how precious time is.

To answer the question of whether or not businesses should be worried, to be honest... if you are not open to looking at new structures that creates more of a "new age" #virtual freedom, then... yes, I'd be worried.

Your most valuable #employees will be the ones capable of making big changes to their career, the tolerance for #office jobs is no longer what it was and we have certainly not seen the end of the #thegreatresignation.

Investigate new ways to incorporate virtual possibilities in your employees' day-to-day work routine. Make sure that if another lockdown strikes (none of us expected to experience anything like COVID-19) you are as prepared as you can be without having to experience a return with either no employees or a scarred business.

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